Now, as I walk this journey with Swanny, my best friend, my sister, of almost 20 years, that perspective allows me to walk with joy in my heart. I have made it my goal to receive cancer's blessings in my life. I am fully focused on rising up and doing what is needed in each moment, rather than focusing on the fear and sadness that I feel. Seeing the blessing in all that is lain before me. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely days when I want to pull the covers over my head and hide, and somedays I try. (Hard to do with 5 kids that need you all the time.) but, like I tell my children feel sad when you're sad, feel angry when you're angry, but you are not allowed to live there! You keep walking. Even when we want to fall to our knees, we keep walking. I thought I would share some of the gifts that cancer has bestowed upon me...
Live and love in this very moment.
Do not wait for things to be perfect to be happy.
Enjoy every breath you take on this Earth.
The body is an amazing, miraculous thing!
Laugh. A lot.
Live on purpose.
Say yes more.
Don't get so mad that you lose focus of the good.
People are good.
Be present. So, so present.
Slow down. Speak slower, make decisions slower, live slower.
Hope is strong!! Faith is even greater. And trusting what IS?? That is the key.
Miracles are happening in every single moment, but you must have eyes to see and ears to hear. I believe in miracles.
Last week, we got some scary news, had to do some more tests, and then got the results. They are not ideal. The cancer has spread to Swanny's liver. It is not what we had hoped for. It isn't the reality that any of us would like to be living with, but it is our reality. From the beginning of this whole thing, we have hoped to cure it and just be done with the whole cancer thing. Life doesn't always work that way. We get what we need for our souls to grow, not what we want on a human level. I am trusting that this experience is perfect for our family and that we are doing God's work here on Earth. This I know for sure.. We will walk together as a family. Hold hands tighter than we ever have, and we will cross the finish line together. No matter the outcome, love always wins. But only always.