Thursday, September 4, 2014

I am okay

So, my friends who have called, text and messaged me asking what is wrong and am I okay...  I want to address you all and say, nothing is 'wrong' per se.  Cause we all know that I believe whole-heartedly that everything is always happening for our best interest, mine included.  and yes, I am okay.  and yes, I know my posts on facebook are "different".  thank you all, so much, for caring, loving me and reaching out, offering to help in any way.  it truly has touched me and shown me what great people i have attracted into my life. #lawofattraction

I have counseled many of you and (hopefully) helped some of you as you have walked through really hard things in your own lives over the years, and now, I get to be the student. Yes, 'get to'.  I get to walk through really hard things.  I get to experience heartbreak and anguish, sadness and also some pretty big anger, firsthand.  I am walking through things that have changed me and my life forever. hopefully, as I walk through this adversity, I do it so well, that there is minimal damage to those walking with me.  minimal fallout.  but, if I fail or succeed, either way, I will still be a teacher as I learn to walk through fire with grace, {this girl is on fiyah} because we are all the student and the teacher, always.  I hope to walk through this so well, so thoroughly, that when I come out on the other side I will be the shiniest damn diamond you ever saw {shine bright like a diamond}!

{sidenote, everything has become a song reference these days.  trust me, there's a song for every moment!}

God, Spirit, The Universe or whatever name you call the Divine, has great plans for my life, I have always known this.  And.. it turns out, the plans are not what I had actually planned.  {let it go, let it go} ;)  life is funny like that though.  always giving us exactly what we need, not what we humanly want.  I am embracing (and sometimes resisting) each moment of each day and at some point, I will probably tell details of these trials, cause that's just me.  I am a talker.  I like to use my own messy life as a teacher and example for others...showing you that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and it's much funner, yes funner, to dance in the rain than to wait for the storm to pass.  but for now, just know, I am okay.  I am still filled with love and light.  my heart has been cracked wide open in order for the light to escape at an even greater rate.  big changes, I am greeting you with all that I have left in me. (also, stuff like this sure does humble you.)

now, it's time for me to get back in my boat. {row, row, row your boat} aka meditate more.  prayer and meditation have been my savior and my daily sanctuary through this time.  I encourage you to embrace them both in your life as well, especially if you are facing challenges.  starting your day with gratitude helps also. (check out my instagram for the boat reference.)

I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes.  this photo is of my peonies from my garden.  they are overflowing with beauty and splendor. but you don't know that until they bloom. see how tight they are in their buds?  just like all of us.  the beauty comes out once they break open.

(both pics I posted are from my instagram, so yeah, you should probably follow me there if you like them.)

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