Thursday, October 30, 2014


Life is such a beautiful process of unravelling. I have often thought, when will I catch a break or become immune to hardship? And the reality is, you're never immune. No matter who you are, life is filled with suffering. Learning to navigate the suffering.. That is what we do as humans. Learning to fail with grace. Learning to keep picking ourselves back up. Learning to smile through tears. This is what we do. 

I often think to myself, I want to leave a legacy of joy for all I come in contact with, but especially for those I love. The truth is, We are often unkind and not on our best behavior with those special ones who are closest to us. We mistreat them, and take them for granted. We are mean, jealous, spiteful, ugly in spirit and words and sometimes, awful in deeds, yet, they continue to love us through our faults. This is grace. This is joy through pain. This is unconditional love. (P.s. This doesn't mean they stay with us forever. Sometimes, they love us from afar, when our behaviors are toxic.) 

Many of you know, I have a best friend named Swanny. She has been my friend since I was barely fifteen years old.  She has seen my worst behaviors and my best. She has always been there. She has never turned her back on me. Even when I deserved it. She is always giving what she has. She would never say no if you asked her for something. Never. Even if she didn't really like you. #truestory She has always been a hard worker. A loyal friend. She loves without conditions. Has helped me raise my children. She loves them like her own. She is my sister.  

My friend, my sister, is living with stage 4 cancer (I wanted to say battling, but it seems like such a harsh word.) This, is real life stuff. The stuff where you get to see what you're made of. Where you get to lean on God and faith and those around you. You get to be on display for all to see how you handle being under pressure.  I stay strong in front of her, but watching your friend suffer day in and day out, that's HARD. But how can i complain of the pain in my heart when I know the physical and emotional pain my friend endures daily? The chemo, the radiation, the surgeries, the infections and complications.. The answer, i don't. I keep smiling. I keep laughing. I keep holding her hand and telling her I will always be there. Because I will. Telling her I love her and appreciate her. And praying for more time with her. That miracles will manifest and she will heal. That my children will not have to keep watching their Auntie hurt. You ever thought something was hard to talk about, try explaining death to a child. Or why someone whom they love deeply has to suffer through cancer. Yeah. Now life just got real. Kids want to know why. And they don't accept "just because".  

The only way I know how to cope is to find the blessing. Find the part that is contributing to my life and be grateful for that. For instance, had it not been for cancer, we wouldn't have spent almost everyday together for the last year, going to appointments. It added so much together time to our world that we would never have had otherwise. And her suffering, it teaches me. It ingrains in me. It makes me appreciate LIFE. Breath. Health. Even The unravelling. It allows me the gift of showing my children we can suffer, yet still be filled with hope, love, and joy. We can still be happy deep down inside as we go through gut wrenching things. We can make the choice to find the grace. We can choose joy. 

I choose joy. No matter what. I choose joy. #effcancer. #yousuck. 

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